Thursday, August 8, 2013


Warm up

Running clock for 6 minutes
Spend 30 seconds at each station
1. Chest to bar kipping pull-ups minimum 10 reps
2. Bar dips minimum 10 reps 
3. Toes to bar minimum 10 reps 
4. Lunges with 25# plate  minimum 10 reps
Keep Cycling through all stations until clock reaches 6 minutes 

Row 1000 meters
25 Burpees 
Row 1000 meters 
25 burpees
Row 1000 meters 
25 burpees 
Row 1000 meters 
25 burpees 
Row 1000 meters

Work on a weakness for 15 minutes 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Running clock for 6 minutes
Spend 30 seconds at each station
1. Strict Pull-Ups minimum 10 reps
2. Ring Push-ups minimum 10 reps 
3. Hollow Rock minimum 10 reps 
4. Box Jump minimum 10 reps
Keep Cycling through all stations until clock reaches 6 minutes 

1) Power Snatch from hang (top of knee) 
Find max triple. *use straps 

2) Take 90% of the max triple and complete 3x3 triples rest 60 seconds

1a) snatch grip behind the head push press heaviest possible 5x4
1b) bent over row heaviest possible

30 air squats 
30 pull-ups 
30 burpees 
15 air squats
15 pull ups 
15 burpees
10 air squats

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Warm up: 
Running clock for 6 minutes
Spend 30 seconds at each station
1. Kipping pull-ups minimum 10 reps
2. Push ups minimum 10 reps 
3. Butterfly sit-ups minimum 10 reps 
4. Air squats minimum 10 reps
Keep Cycling through all stations until clock reaches 6 minutes 

Find a 3 rep max front squat 


Take 90% of that and perform 4x3
Front squat

Accessory work:
1a) 5x5 Bent over Row heaviest possible
1b) 5x5 push press heaviest possible 

3 rounds of max reps
1 min Kettlebell swings 53/35
1 min box jumps 24/20
1 min wall balls 20/ 14
1 minute burpee broad jumps 
Rest 1 min 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


1. 15 min to find a 3 rep max hang clean above knees. (Do not drop the par do all three reps unbroken) 

2.Front squat 5@60 5@65 5@70 5@70

Super set
1a) Bent over row 3x5 heaviest possible 
1b) Sumo Deadlift Highpull 3x5 (use challenging weight)
Rest 30 seconds. 

Max Row for 10 minutes
Every 2 minutes 15 push-ups